My trio of steel sculptures, "Hiding," "Obey," and "Alive," evolved from my feelings I had about myself after I got saved.  I had been hiding from God for a long time.  I was the one who controlled me and thought the way I chose was the right way,  until I realized that I was lost--as lost as I could be in this deceiving world.  I finally learned to obey God and thus, began my journey to where I am today.  After many battles with my old self and the influences of this world.  I realized that without God, I could never be the artist that he intended me to be.  I now understand things better.  Just because I waited years to make something out of the materials that sat in the corner of my studio, did not mean that the materials were not good.  It simply meant  they were unable to make anything out of themselves.  As I was not in Gods will for my life, due to the fact that I did not know him, I was unable to change myself.  But now that I am alive in Him, I have given him control to mold and work me into something I never thought I could be.  Everyone has this chance to know Christ as their personal Lord and Savior and I pray they will turn around and meet the maker of all creations on this ball we call earth.